5 Best Apps to know about Beauty Product Ingredients

We often read through the ingredients listed on a beauty product before buying one. These names are hard to pronounce and even understand for us. However, it is often essential to know what you are applying to your skin. Most importantly, when someone has a skin allergy or needs to avoid certain ingredients and chemicals. Let us scroll through some amazing science based apps that analyze ingredients of skin care and give you all details of the Beauty Product Ingredients you want to use.

EWG Healthy Living

Created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the EWG Healthy Living app helps people to make healthier choices regarding their life and the environment.

The app covers a wide range of beauty products. In addition, it also has a huge database of details about food, nutrients, and household cleaning products.

EWG analyzes ingredients by rating products on a scale from 1-10: where A score is of 1-2 and indicates low hazard, 3-6 is for moderate hazard, while 7-10 shows high hazard ingredients. The overall score for a product is revealed by analyzing individual score of each ingredient. The product is then evaluated in relation to the rest of the products present in the database.

The application scores 3.3 stars on the Apple app store. There are some complaints from users about the ease of use and organization for the app. However, their website has ratings and reviews for over 120,000 personal care products and food items. You can download the app here.


The app makes it easy for a user to check if a specific product or food item contains any allergens or irritating chemicals.

You can create your profile, and add your allergies. You may then scan a product while you are shopping. The app then notifies you if the beauty product or food item has ingredients that are gluten-free, lactose-free, or vegan.

CodeCheck app scores 4.5 starts and has over 175 reviews on the Apple app store.

Detox Me

Detox Me is an app designed to reduce toxins chemicals from all areas of your life. It is a product by the Silent Spring Institute, with results from a research of more than 20 years. The app has namely six major categories home, personal care, clothing, food and drink, children, and cleaning.

The app gives tips on how to avoid products that don’t suit one’s health, gives information about ingredients, and alternatives to toxic chemicals. It also gives you reminders with push notifications, guides and tips, and DIY recipes as a replacement of commercial beauty products.


SkinSAFE is the best app to use if you have a sensitive skin. The app helps evaluate beauty products ingredients. It is designed to guide people on how ti identify and refrain from ingredients that may irritate their sensitive skin.

The app had been using data input from Mayo Clinic for testing purposes in its development phases. It promises to eradicate the trial and error process we do while testing new products. It offers a clear cut and easy method for people to avoid products that may react with their sensitive skin.

The products in this app are listed with markers that tells you the ingredients they are free from and other safety information.


ThinkDirty is one of the most popular ingredient checker app having of over 36,000 reviews in the Apple app store. It has an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, and marked as the best to use for products ingredients analysis.

The app focuses on analyzing the chemical effects of ingredients for possible long-term health effects. Its barcode scanning feature works for over 2 million personal care and beauty products from the United States and Canada.

Think Dirty offers easily understandable details regarding the ingredients and shows clear rating with just three options of whether the product is “clean,” “dirty,” or somewhere in the middle.

If you don’t find the product you’re looking for in the app, you may scan the barcode and ingredient list, and the app will analyze the product for you as per the ingredients list.

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