The Shift in Perceptions on Gender Stereotypes over the Past decade

Gender stereotypes originate from local culture and traditions. Being an advent of traditions, they vary amongst every community having different cultures across the world, where some countries urge for equality while some discriminate against women as being taking men’s place. Despite the differences, the rearmost decade depicts the highest change in gender stereotypes.

What is Gender Stereotype?

Gender Stereotype is a derivation from the social role theory that distributes the social roles of the two genders at home and work. The work duties and roles of each gender are derived from their attributes where men are characterized to be more compelling and confident and women to be more caring and humble.

How have Gender Stereotypes changed?

The most eminent change in the gender stereotype is from women being more educated and entering the workforce. Literacy is a right for every individual. However, in the past, education for women was not given much importance, but it is a very essential requirement of the current era. Some cultures value women education so much that they have a belief that educated women can work well with dedication and educate the entire race.

As women entering in the workplace demand an equal share of duties by men. The world has a diverse culture of people where some communities accept and go forward with the change. On the other hand, some are still in their past beliefs. The rapid changing era urges for changes. One of the biggest changes is among the social roles of all people, which is gathering much attention throughout the world.

Change in Gender Stereotypes is from the past few decades since the role of women has increased in education and workforce. Though the revolution is across the world, but it increasingly varies between different social groups. Some countries, specifically the West, distribute equal rights to all genders. On the other hand, some Eastern communities still face many conflicts on this. Social groups in some societies protest for equal rights while other bodies claim this to be modernism.

The varying beliefs amongst groups have created many issues for all people. Women face discrimination, un-equal division of labor and not been given the same position as men on workplace. Men are subject to varying beliefs. They feel degraded and let down for doing home duties and also face trouble when unable to divide duties like their working partner.

Social roles of all genders

Social Roles are the behaviors and duties of all humans in society. The Social Roles Theory states the differences and similarities between behaviors of all genders in society. The roles of all genders should sustain the division of labor to attain a healthy and conflict free society. The evolution in gender stereotypes has led to changes in each of their social roles. The acceptance of such changes is a major milestone, as the entire society never has the same beliefs.

A changing social role requires change in even the gender stereotypes. Since it is a belief, and restricted to a person’ s own mind and thoughts.

What factors affect Gender Stereotypes?

The change in gender stereotypes is solely based on the change in social roles. If the social roles are kept intact, there is not much room to change beliefs and perceptions. When social roles change, thoughts, beliefs, practices change so do the gender stereotypes change.

However, to equalize things and avoid conflicts, the change in gender stereotypes should be the same as per the social roles. This is something inevitable as social roles are things in real and practical life while gender stereotyping is a belief and a thought, both changes cannot go together.

To conclude, the two factors discussed should go with the same pace to retain a healthy society and assure equality and division of labor in between all genders at all places and all societies.

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