Top Recipes of Healthy Banana Shakes for Weight Loss

Fruit shakes are very beneficial for health and provide us with enough energy for the entire day. Banana shakes are one of the most common shakes of all. The fruit is blended with other ingredients to make creamy and rich texture smoothies.

Banana shakes are a part of the healthiest breakfast. They are great energy drivers, help in weight management, deal with muscle cramps before and after exercise, freshen and hydrate the skin.

Bananas are a very nutritious fruit filled with potassium and fiber. They can be eaten raw and blended as a shake or smoothie. Some simple and healthy recipes for shakes and smoothies with bananas are given below. All recipes ensures that a person follows a balanced diet with healthy food portions being on a portion control diet.

Oats, nuts and banana shake

For a serving size of 2 people


  • 400ml milk
  • 2 bananas
  • Handful of nuts (walnuts and almonds)
  • 4 tbsp rolled oats


Add all ingredients in a blender and mix them all
Top up with crushed nuts

Food portions

Each glass of the shake or per serving contains the following food portions.

  • Dairy – slightly less than 1 portion (200ml milk)
  • Oats – grains – ½ portion carbs
  • Fruit – 1 portion
  • Walnuts – ½ portion nuts / some fat
  • Almonds – ½ portion nuts / some protein

Strawberry, yogurt and banana smoothie

banana shake

For a serving size of 2 people


  • 150ml milk
  • 3 bananas
  • Handful of strawberries
  • 4 tbsp of greek yogurt
  • Handful of granola
  • Some nuts to garnish (walnuts and almonds)


Add all ingredients in a blender and mix them all
Top up with crushed nuts and granola and some chopped strawberries

Food portions

Each bowl of the smoothie or per serving contains the following food portions.

  • Dairy – 1 portion (milk and yogurt)
  • Fruit – 2 portion
  • Walnuts – ½ portion nuts / some fat
  • Almonds – ½ portion nuts / some protein
  • Granola – ½ portion protein

Raspberry, nuts and banana shake

For a serving size of 2 people


  • 400ml milk
  • 2 bananas
  • Handful of raspberries
  • Some nuts to garnish (walnuts and almonds)


Add all ingredients in a blender and mix them all
Top up with crushed nuts.

Food portions

Each bowl of the shake or per serving contains the following food portions.

  • Dairy – less than 1 portion (milk)
  • Fruit – 1 portion
  • Walnuts – ½ portion nuts / some fat
  • Almonds – ½ portion nuts / some protein

Protein banana shake

For a serving size of 2 people


400ml milk
2 bananas
2 tbsp of peanut butter
Some nuts to garnish (walnuts and almonds)


Add all ingredients in a blender and mix them all
Top up with crushed nuts.

Food portions

Each bowl of the shake or per serving contains the following food portions.

  • Dairy – less than 1 portion (milk)
  • Fruit – 1 portion
  • Peanut butter – ½ portion protein and fat
  • Walnuts – ½ portion nuts / some fat
  • Almonds – ½ portion nuts / some protein

Shakes and smoothies are best for breakfast. They are low in carbs and calories and high in protein. Therefore, it makes them ideal for weight loss and ideal for breakfast to provide energy for the entire day. They are healthy nourishing drinks preferable for people of all ages.