
How much screen time should a child have?

Even though some screen time can be informative, too much exposure to screens can have adverse side effects on your child.

According to recent research from the University of California, Los Angeles, children are spending more time than ever in front of screens, which may be affecting their capacity to perceive emotions. Sixth-graders that went five days without the use of technology were substantially better at reading human emotion readers than students who had daily access to phones, television sets, and technology, according to research published in the journal named Computers in Human Behavior.

Educators – this Is a Call to Action

According to Greenfield, there is a significant lesson for schools. 

A lot of school systems are racing to put iPads in the hands of students individually and they’ve not considered the social cost. A wake-up call should be given to schools. They must ensure that their students have adequate face-to-face social engagement. This could imply less time spent in front of the screen.

Is there such a thing as too much Screen Time?

For decades, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that youngsters should limit their screen usage. The current recommendation from the group is that children aged 3 to 18 should have no more than two hours of entertainment “screen time” every day. And there are none at all for children under the age of two. Children under the age of five spent nearly two hours each day in front of a screen, according to the San Francisco charity Common Sense Media, which tracks screen usage from birth.

Recommendations for screen time by Age

18 months and Younger
Use screens for Video Chatting only
18 to 24 months old
High quality programming must be chosen. Parents should sit down and co-watch with their children
2 to 5 years
Limit screentime to 1 hour per day. Parents should engage with children, help them understand what they are seeing, and apply it to the world around them.
6 to 12 years
Constant monitoring and placing limits on the time spent on media is important. Children should be more active physically and screentime should not take the place of physical activities.
12 years and older
It is important to spend media free time while sitting for dinner or reading books together. Also, bedrooms should not have any media items.

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