Health & Nutrition

How important is Good Nutrition for our body?

We should focus on good nutrition and a balanced diet to maintain weight. Good nutrition greatly improve our health. It is essential for people of all ages, especially growing kids and people of old age. 

Good nutrition can be attainable if we take all types of vital nutrients for our daily intake. Consuming all macro and micronutrients in adequate quantities balances our nutrients intake. 

What is Good Nutrition?

Good nutrition is attainable when we consume all types of nutrients in the right quantity. Balancing proper nutrient intake, avoiding excessive intake of unhealthy nutrients, and ensuring intake of all micro-nutrients like minerals and vitamins. All these things provide us with good nutrition. 

Benefits and Importance of Good Nutrition.

Boosts Immune System

A strong immune system helps us fight diseases. Doctors often prescribe Vitamins and Iron supplements to improve our immunity. However, we should consume healthy nutrients that improve our immunity. All vitamins and minerals are present in food ingredients. 

Vitamin C greatly enriches immunity. It is present in citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, kale, papaya, and spinach. 

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights infections. High-plant foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, oils, hazelnuts, peanuts, or peanut butter provide this vitamin. 

Vitamin A is an infection fighter and comes from plat carotenoids and animal foods. For Example, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and dark green leafy vegetables. 

Vitamin D is good for bone health and also supports the immune system. It comes from sunshine and many food products. For example, milk, tuna, orange juice, and salmon. 

Iron and folic acid help red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body and take part in many immune system processes. It is found in many food products. For example, red meat, chicken, mussels, canned light tuna, oysters, and clams. 

Zinc helps in the production of new immune system cells. It is found in animal and vegetarian foods. For example, crabs, baked beans, yogurt, chickpeas, lean meat, and poultry.  

Provides More Energy

Natural ingredients in our daily life optimize our energy levels. Some examples of ingredients that help us stay energetic are listed below.

  • Bananas are enriched with vitamin B6, complex carbohydrates, potassium, and some protein.
  • Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates and boosts serotonin production. This chemical transfers messages between nerve cells and the brain and helps us stay active and energetic.
  • Yogurt has some carbs in the form of simple sugars like lactose and galactose. These provide energy that is ready to use when they are broken down.
  • Lentils are rich in carbs and fiber. They are energy powerhouses and easy to digest. They replenish our stores of iron, folate, zinc, and magnesium, and raise our energy levels.
  • Avocados are a rich source of healthy B vitamins and fiber. Avocados help in the absorption of other nutrients and maintain healthy blood-fat levels. Most of their carb content is made of fiber, and they help sustain energy.
  • Eggs are a rich source of protein that makes them provides steady and sustained energy. They contain the amino acid ‘leucine’ which stimulates energy production and breaks down fat to provide energy.
  • Hummus is a blended form of chickpeas and a delicious sauce to eat. They are a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber and can provide us with steady energy. Hummus also contains tahini (sesame seed sauce) and olive oil which are sources of healthy fats. These nutrients slow down carbs absorption and avoid blood sugar spikes.
  • Cashews contain heart-healthy fats, plant protein, and fiber, and have low sugar content. They are good sources of magnesium, manganese, and copper. All key ingredients for energy production, bone health, and improved immunity.

Improves Mood

Many healthy nutrients in food can uplift our moods. A list of some of these along with the way the enhance your mood are listed below.

  • Fatty Fish that has Omega-3. This nutrient has a major role in lowering depression levels.
  • Dark chocolate has many mood-boosting compounds like caffeine, N-acylethanolamine, and theobromine. They increase blood flow to the brain and improve brain health.
  • Bananas stabilize our blood sugar levels and beat sugar cravings. Hence keep our mood stable.
  • Oats are enriched with iron. It helps stabilize the mood of people who have anemia or iron deficiency.
  • Berries contain disease-fighting anthocyanins. These lower risks of depression.
  • Nuts and seeds are rich in zinc, selenium, and tryptophan. These lower risks of depression and support brain functions.
  • Coffee has caffeine that prevents a compound called adenosine to attract brain receptors and make us tired. Therefore, it makes us alert, refresh, and improves our mood.
  • Lentils and beans provide several B vitamins. These increase concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin and help improve our moods.

Improves Life Expectancy

Consumption of healthier nutrients helps us fight diseases, stay healthy, and energetic, and avoid illnesses. This in turn improves life expectancy. 

Maintain Healthy Weight

A balanced diet constituting all types of nutrients helps maintain our weight. A portion-controlled plate has adequate portions of carbs, fats, proteins, fruits, dairy, and vegetables. It enforces us to consume a healthy and balanced diet. This makes us feel full, balances all nutrient intake, and avoids overconsumption of certain nutrients that might make us obese. 

Avoids Chronic Health Diseases

Good nutrition ensures a balanced diet and consumption of all vital macro and micronutrients. This covers all vital minerals and vitamins required for our body. A balanced diet prevents overconsumption of unhealthy and disease-causing nutrients. For example oil, too many sweets, or carbs in the diet. Therefore, it avoids chronic diseases like diabetes and heart problems. 

A good and balanced diet prevents us from chronic health diseases and makes us used to the right choice of nutrients. This enables prolonged health safety and many other benefits because of good nutrition. 

How to get Good Nutrition?

We can attain good nutrition by diversifying our food consumption choices and choosing healthier food alternatives. Keeping note of the following points helps us get good nutrition. 

  1. Consume more fruits and vegetables
  2. Get more whole grains
  3. Choose low-fat or fat-free foods
  4. Take lean meats
  5. Consume more sources of protein

What things hinder Good Nutrition?

Some natural factors may prevent us to get good nutrition. We should timely consult a doctor or try to solve these issues. 

  1. Poor digestion
  2. Eating alone
  3. Allergy to certain foods
  4. Difficulty to get food nutrients
  5. Chewing or eating difficulty

To conclude, the first choice to improve health, avoid medication and prolonged doctors visit is to get good nutrition. 


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