How do imperfect partners get along in a bond?

Life and the varied events associated with it, teach us many things. They make us move to a brighter and better end. One such main event is being tied up in a lifetime bond with someone to share our entire life with them. No one is perfect and in the bond too, two imperfect partners get along and start their life together. We all have many fantasies about marriage. So, let’s ponder over the ones which make us and our spouses distinct people on the brighter side.

[blockquote style=”blockquote_style2″ align=”aligncenter” textcolor=”#7a637a” background=”#ffffff” bordercolor = “#c8a2c8”]“A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.” – Unknown[/blockquote]

People define marriage in different ways. On a specific note, it is a legally acceptable societal agreement between two individuals. It is traditionally based on a personal connection, implying a permanence of the union. Moreover, and most importantly, it marks a new chapter in a person’s life with a share of each and everything of your life with your spouse.

Imperfect partners in a bond

We see a person changed in many ways a few years after marriage as compared to the initial. On a positive note, this bond teaches us many things. For instance sharing varied thoughts, ideas, perspectives, the art of living together as imperfect partners with opposing likes and dislikes, and learning to compromise. It solely depends on us, how tactically we deal with each other’s flaws and drive ourselves and our bond to perfectness.

imperfect partners

Sharing in a bond improves imperfect partners!

Success Division

Getting promoted to higher grades or thriving in new business ventures befits you both. When it’s an uprising your spouse also revels and in downfall too they are together. Having someone close aside always gives us a shoulder to lean on at all times. This builds in us an attribute to share our accomplishments rather than to just keep to ourselves.  

Enhances Emotional Stability

Two individuals in a bond never always mean that things will always be on the brighter side. We all have imperfections, opposing views, and low times making us emotionally unstable. Initially, it seems tough for us all to deal with another person’s imperfections and varying attitudes, but sometimes it makes us strong enough to face the world in a better way and be emotionally stable.

Spend money differently 

Being a couple prioritizes spending on your household and each other rather than on ourselves. When it comes to the family, a person’s preference is to dine out and shop with family. So it’s more spending for the whole family rather than just on ourselves.

Social Life changes

With one person always around you and a family to look after, our friends’ circle and time with them is highly affected. There is a need to set time limits for them, but close friends are also important and required to discuss matters, children’s discussions which in our circle, other fellows might also be facing.

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Better Self control 

Marriage is not only rainbows and blooms, we have low times and quarrels also. At times, we realize it’s better to bite our tongues instead of losing control and saying something that could jeopardize our marriage. By practicing the habit through life we develop a better self-controlling personality.

Learning to compromise 

Compromise is leaving behind what we like and losing or adjusting to another person. When two people are living together it’s not always that both will have the same thoughts. Couples might be similar but to some extent, everyone has some differences. The rule of thumb is to compromise at such points, as one person has to always take the first step for a happy life.

More Responsible

When you get married, you have someone else to take care of and worry about, which is a huge responsibility. And when we have a family, we have to look after tiny humans and raise them up, so that’s an even bigger responsibility. Dealing with such things ourselves makes us responsible and mature in life. 

No more loneliness

The bad feeling when no friend is coming to a party and you alone are attending is nowhere with your spouse. Wherever we go we have that constant partner with us. Holding our hands and being on our side wherever we are going.

Blend of two traditions

Depending on the roots of the two people, marriage is a blend of two separate nationalities or traditions. The variant ones face more challenges to adjust. However, sharing new and different things from each side, help exchange good habits and rituals between each other.

[blockquote style=”blockquote_style2″ align=”aligncenter” textcolor=”#7a637a” background=”#ffffff” bordercolor = “#c8a2c8”]“Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.” – Boris Pasternak” – Unknown[/blockquote]

Marriage not only changes our way of life but our way of dealing with things and emotions. We are subject to many new things. Coping with them seems to be very difficult at the start, but with time it teaches us the artistry of compromises, self-control, and prioritizing responsibilities.

We all view our lives with varied perspectives, having different phantasms of things around us. On self-analysis and insight, a frame of mind listing down the imperfections in oneself and working towards them makes us all better humans in some way. Living with imperfect partners, we learn from each other, we teach each other, appraise each other and fill in the flaws of one another.

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